Monday, December 17, 2007

Sick Days!

Okay, so I wanted to post some pictures, but I have to download them, and if I do that right now, chances are I won't actually get a chance to post, so I decided to post instead! For the last month (and I'm NOT exagerating!) I have pretty much had sick kids, give or take a few days inbetween sicknesses. And, poor Isaac has mostly been the bearer of all the sicknesses! It started out as a mere cold, then turned into brochiolitis, then a throwing up spell, and then eased back into a cold and cough. We thought we were on the mend, and then he ended up going into croup, and then woke up last Saturday throwing up again and running a fever! It was worse in the morning, and by afternoon he seemed to be doing a lot better, only to go back down with a fever that night. He woke up yesterday morning throwing up again and running a fever. Once again, after the morning time was over, no more throwing up, although he remained grumpy and had a slight fever whenever we weren't as on top of medicine as we should have been. But, by last night he was actually eating a bit and seemed on the mend. Well, he woke up this morning throwing up again! Can I tell you how sick of laundry I am right now?! What was weird this morning was that he's had no fever! He was very grouchy until he finally took about an hour nap, and since he's gotten up, he's doing a bit better. Instead of crying and whining all the time, he just whines for a minute every ten minutes or so, and he's actually eaten more food than he has the last three days combined! So, I am cautiously optimistic that maybe we really are getting over this finally! If he was an adult woman, I'd almost wonder if he was pregnant and experiencing morning sickness with a nice dose of hormones for his attitude! Now I just hope and pray that the girls don't catch anything! Besides Isaac's sicknesses, which has cut down on my sleeping, Eden has had a few bad nights as well! She has either taken late naps and won't go to bed at a decent hour, or she goes down at a good time, only to wake up 2 hours later when we are getting ready for bed and staying up! So, she's been going to bed very late, and Isaac has been getting up very early, and I still have to feed EmmaLee during the night, so I'm a bit sleep deprived! We've very rarely left the house in the last few weeks, and often when we have I end up wishing we hadn't, but as a result, we are all going a bit stir crazy! Anyway, I'm venting in the hopes that I can take a breather and keep on going since there really isn't another option! I guess it's good that's it's all happening now instead of during Christmas or when we are going to be trying to move! I just hope we're all better by then!!


Jenn said...

Holy cow! I'm so sorry for you! We've had our share of sick days, too, but nothing so serious. Braden actually started coughing the other day, and now he's sounding really not so good, but Kaylie is still cough free (for now!). I hope things get better for you! And, I'm with you on the laudry thing. I hate doing laundry anyway, but both kids have been blowing out of diapers lately, so we've done more than usual here. Yuck!

Laura said...

Bless your heart, you must be way past exhausted. I remember tending Michaels kids one night when they were puking, and seriously, one set of sheets / pajamas would get clean just in time for them to puke on the next set. It was a miserable affair, and I think you get extra prizes in heaven for doing it for a month. Good luck and may you all get a full night's sleep soon...