Friday, July 2, 2010

Ammon Update

Ammon is now about a month and a half old.  He has become a lot more alert these last few weeks, and has even smiled a couple of times!  The kids love him, sometimes almost too much, but I think he's going to be one of the crowd soon, maybe even sooner than I want!
As you can see, his yellow is almost completely gone!
This is Alexander, my sister-in-law, Bonnie's,  new baby that was born about 2 weeks after Ammon.  He has gotten bigger as well, but I don't have any other pictues of him yet!
I thought this was a cute picture of Isaac and EmmaLee.  I love that my kids love each other.  Yes, they fight, and a lot sometimes, but you can often hear them telling each other that they are handsome and beautiful, depending on if you are a boy or a girl, and one of my goals as their mother is to help them to love and respect each other.  I've talked to them before about how special it is for them to get to be siblings.  I know I must have reached at least Eden because a couple of weeks ago I heard her talking to EmmaLee and telling her that even if their friends move away, they always got to be sisters, so they would always be best friends!
So, sometimes the kids get a little silly around Ammon, and I think it's already starting to rub off on him.
"Mom, am I suppose to be as silly as my brother and sisters are?"
"Okay, I'll try!  Hey, what are you doing?"
"Let's all make the same silly faces, that will be funny!"
"Say Awwwww"
"I can make that face too, just cleaner"
"I can do that one too!" (If you look really close, or blow the picture up, Ammon actually has his tongue out of his mouth too!!)

Ammom is such a sweet boy, and we are loving having him here with our family!


Laura said...

He's such a cute little sweetie. I love the story about Eden and Emma Lee always being friends. Great post!

jessi said...

So sweet!

Cami said...

Ammon already has so much personality beaming out of his cute little face. Adorable!