Okay, so a picture overload is following! I'm finally getting around to posting pictures from our St. George trip. It has been cruel to do so, since it has been pretty much snowing here again for the last two days straight! I want to go back to St. George, but even St. George this week isn't much better than here! So, I'm glad we got to go last week and enjoy 75-80 degree weather while we were there!!
We got there the first night in the evening. So, all we did that day besides drive was go swimming at the hotel's indoor pool. Honestly, the pool was the kids' favorite activity to do while we were down there, and we went every day! But, I didn't get any pictures! Oops!
The second day we went to Zions. We went through the tunnel, which all the kids loved except Ammon! The only hike we went on was to Weeping Rock. This year there was a waterfall there from all the runoff! It was beautiful!
Here are the kids up at the top of the Weeping Rock trail. I have no idea what kind of pose Eden is doing, but it is awesome!
This stream was at the start of the hike to Weeping Rock. The water, like I said, is from runoff, so it was cold!
Isaac's turn to freeze his feet off!
After getting their feet a bit wet, the girls decided it would be fun to make some mud/sand pies! So, we spent about 15 or 20 minutes just playing at the stream!
This is at the visitors center at Zions. And no, Ammon is not standing all by himself back there! Rob has got him, but is well hidden! Also, in the background is my mother-in-law and cute niece, who decided to come down as well when they found out we were going! They had a room in the same hotel as us, just a couple of doors down, and it was fun having them there with us!

I had to include this picture just for fun! Isaac is such a boy and loves to ham it up for the pictures! You can see his big bruise on his forehead. A day or two before we left for St. George, Isaac was walking into our front door, which has tile flooring, and Eden accidentally stepped on the hem of his pants. Isaac went to take a step, and totally face-planted on the tile, resulting with this massive bruise! He actually had a slight black eye from it as well, although you really can't see that part of it in this picture!
EmmaLee getting her picture taken! Notice the beautiful blue sky in the background! We had really beautiful and perfect weather the whole time we were in St. George!
Just some cute pictures of Ammon while trying to get some of the amazing mountains in the background, and the beautiful weather!
Again, have I mentioned how nice the weather was?
I love how Ammon is trying to stick his foot in Rob's mouth in this one!
Eden and another fabulous pose!
On the way back from Zions, we stopped in the town of Grafton, which is an old pioneer town. I think I've heard that they filmed some movie here some years ago, something like "The Sundance Kids", or something like that, but I really don't know for sure what it was called! This was the town hall/school/and church.
This was a house that was there. You couldn't actually go into either this house or the town hall, but there was another, smaller place across from this one that you could go in, but I didn't get any pictures of it! It was a very basic home, though, with only like 3 rooms, and it felt more like a shed!
A closer view of the porch and the cute kiddos on it!
Another day we went to Sand Hollow Reservoir. The first place we tried to set up our stuff, we were almost overrun with gnats! So, we moved 15 feet down the shore, and it was much better! The kids loved playing in the sand and water, and Rob brought his RC car that has sand wheels. It was a fun and relaxing time, although I did get fried on the back of my neck. We had brought sunscreen, and we all put it on, but I had forgotten to get the back of my neck! It ended up as red as this sand!
EmmaLee loved the beach, and in this picture was actually trying to watch some ants she had just discovered in the sand!
This is Isaac up a ways watching Rob and his car. We were the only ones on the beach, so the kids had lots of room to run and explore! There were some stickers in some places, but the kids still had a blast!
Our little spot! The bank actually had a little drop off about a foot high, which is why the kids look a little short; they on on the lake level, but all our stuff is on top of it. We took the playpen so Ammon could move around without trying to eat the sand too much! He loves being outside!
One evening, we drove by the St. George temple, and EmmaLee, Isaac and I decided to go get a couple of up close pictures! It was beautiful, and a great teaching opportunity with a bit of humor thrown in! Isaac was asking about going inside, and I explained that you can only go in on special occasions. Before I could say more he said, "Oh, so you have to have a wedding dress to go inside." Yeah, something like that! I just laughed and tried to explain that you need a recommend, not a wedding dress to get in!
Look close, the kids are still at the door! I had to make sure to tell them to not knock on the door while they were up there, and thankfully, they listened!
Another day we visited the Silver Reef museum. The kids got little Chinese souvenirs; apparently during it's hay day there was a little China town in this settlement! We explored some of the land where the town used to be. Behind Eden is a little cactus tree I thought looked pretty cool!
A bigger view of us exploring.
Some of my pictures got out of order, and weren't cooperating in going back to their right order, so I gave up! This is EmmaLee getting her turn to freeze her feet at the stream in Zions.
This is a picture on the grounds at the Brigham Young Winter house located in St. George. I didn't get a picture of the actual house-one day I'll figure out how to actually take better documenting photos of the places we go!
Finally, again out of order, this is Ammon at Sand Hollow. He really loved the vacation as well, and loved swimming! He also slept pretty good for us while we were down there, which was probably because he was so tired from all the activities we were doing!
So, for the most part, that was our trip! It was fun, and it makes me want to cry now looking at the pictures and remembering how I wore SHORTS, and then thinking about the snow we've had again this week! Spring, oh spring, please come our way!!
I also want to mention that Ammon has started to take several steps at a time! Today he was doing really well, and took as many as 6 or 7 steps! He has been taking one or two for the last couple of days, but didn't really seem to be trying for more. Today it is like it finally clicked what he was doing, and he was so excited to walk! I wish I had gotten it on video, but I was having too much fun helping him to get my camera! I give this boy a week or two before he's totally off and going with full walking! He's growing up WAY too fast!
Finally, because it took me so long to get the pictures downloaded and write about them, I'm going to skip writing about the next communication style for tonight. I will start up again with fight talk next time!
What great pictures! It looked like you all had a great time in the sun! And getting your feet frozen in the streams, so cute! I too am dying for warm weather and my kids are too. And way to go Ammon for starting to walk! Holy cow that's awesome and quick. Connor is still doing his funny tummy crawl, but he does pull himself up onto things and likes to stand up. I think he's going to skip the whole crawling thing and just start walking, but not any time soon. Good luck keeping up with him!
How fun, and I love Grafton. Although when I was there...probably 17 years at least, I don't remember anything being closed. It seems everything was open and graffitied. It really is torture. On our way home from Zion's we drove in the snow, two extremes.
Fun! I'm jealous of the warm weather!
Sometimes I really wish there was a way to live in pictures. I would choose to live in the ones you took at Zion's. Looks so warm and fun.
I was just there last week! Now I'm in withdrawal. It's amazing how blue the sky is down there - always gives me a jolt.
Um, great pictures, but I hate you. ;) We went down last weekend, and it snowed. In St. George. It was cold, cloudy awful weather. :( So, I'm glad you had a wonderful time, really I am...I'm just jealous. Really, truly, GREEN jealous.
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