Well, I too have givin in and decided to make a blog. Between Laura, Brandis, and my sister-in-law Kimberly, I decided to give it a go! So as a quick overview, my family is doing well! Eden is growing everyday and keeps us entertained! She's starting to recognize that she can make people laugh, so she does her best to do so! It's so fun to see how innocent little kids are as well! For example, Eden and I had to run back to the church on Sunday after our meetings, and as we were walking down the hall, there was a group of people from the other ward having a meeting. She saw a lady in there and asked me what her name was. I hadn't seen them yet, so I asked her "who?", to which she didn't reply. I figured she just got distracted and forgot she'd asked until about a minute later when she looked up at me and said, "Who is a nice name."! She was totally serious, and I just had to laugh! Isaac is now 10 months old and growing everyday! He still isn't crawling or standing, but he rolls really well! He has such a big head that it's taken him a little longer to be able to support it! And, with his club feet, it's pretty normal for him to not start walking until after he's one. He's such a mellow and content baby, though, and he's starting to get into balls like crazy! The newest addition to our family is starting to move and kick a lot more, and it's fun to feel her moving! I have mixed feelings about having to go through the summer pregnant again! On one hand I'm not looking forward to being hot, but on the other, we do a lot more in the summer so hopefully the months will go by faster! Rob and I are doing well. Rob really likes his job, but we are currently looking and putting in applications other places. We're hoping to earn more money so we can move into our own place, hopefully before the baby comes! I'm starting to feel a lot better than I have with this pregnancy, so I'm trying to enjoy it before I start getting so big and uncomfortable! So, that's about it for now!
4.5 Years Later...
2 years ago
Hip hip hooray! I'm so glad you started a blog! Thanks for giving in to peer pressure - the good kind of course. :)
Great Idea! More pictures, please!
We must get Shawnee and Bonnie to do the same, (maybe Allan?)!
"Blog" is such a stupid name, huh? or maybe "Blog" is a nice name." Kind of like "Who"
Thanks for sharing! Luv, Grams
Glad to see you've got a web site too! They are really fun to do and even funner to see who has looked at it! Those are cute pics of your kids too! Eden cracks me up!! Kids are so innocent and funny. Thanks for the update!
Great pics! Between you and Kimberly, and Jordan's family (who has a family blog) I'm getting closer to caving in, too! Fun to feel the baby kick more, too, huh? I'm still jealous of her name! :) Jenn
HI! So fun to hear how you are and all about your cute family! Love the pictures... let's see the rest of the family!
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