We had a fun, but not overly busy 4th of July. We went to my parents house on the 3rd of July and lit off some of our own fireworks in the front yard. I got my camera out, and suddenly Eden became a professional poser! I'm not sure where she got it from, but she was hamming it up for the camera! Her goal was to make the silliest faces she could!

The one picture I got of her just pretty much looking at the camera she saw and told me it wasn't silly and made me take another picture that was more silly worthy! She cracks me up!

Eden will turn 3 on August 4th, so in less than a month! I can't believe how much her personality has grown again even in just the last month! She has been playing more with neighbor kids, and she is picking up on everything, some of it I wish she wouldn't! She really is turning into a child instead of just a toddler!

I wasn't sure how Isaac was going to handle the fireworks, but he loved them! I think he loved having a lot of kids around as well! He did start to get a little weary of them towards the end and I had to hold him more, but I think overall, he really had fun!

Both Eden and Isaac had fun watching the fireworks at my parents, and we pretty much did the same thing on the 4th of July, just at our own home. We didn't get a chance to go see any big ones this time, but we are planning on going somewhere for the 24th. I'm not sure how Isaac will like them. I guess we will see!
On a side note, I am officially scheduled for a c-section on August 15th, so we can really count down the days now!
I don't want to know about your "official" C-section date! Unless I go before you! Sounds like you guys had a great 4th - Braden is becoming a ham, too, but more with the video camera! Cute pics!
Love those pics of Eden! She sure is a character!!
I love the pictures of your cute kiddos. Looks like you are having a fun summer!
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