We blessed EmmaLee last Sunday, which I actually did mention in my last blog, I just thought I would now add a picture of her in her dress! The blessing was beautiful, and the day worked out just fine, inspite of my slight issues preparing for it the week before! I wanted to invite more people to it, but like I said before, I wasn't sure until right before whether it was going to work out or not, so I apologize to anyone that would have liked to have come but didn't get an invitation. Anyone was invited, but I just didn't get the word out!!

This picture isn't actually an event, I just thought I would post a picture of all three of the kids together! EmmaLee is growing so fast, and for that matter, so is Isaac! Eden is too, just not so noticeably on a monthly rate like the other two! Both Eden and Isaac love to hold EmmaLee, and EmmaLee continues to be, for the most part, a good natured baby!

On August 28th, it was 2 years from Caydin's passing. We didn't do a whole lot different on that day this year probably due to the fact that EmmaLee was only a couple of weeks old, so we were still in recovery mode with that, and just trying to adjust to that new change. And, I've decided that's probably the hardest day for me to know what to do or how to feel. I don't like to focus on the accident because it was traumatic and difficult, to say the least, for me, even though I know that for Caydin, it was a glorious day and a completely different experience. I can't ignore that day, so I want to try to focus on his side of the day, but I'm not able to think of that day and not remember his accident, at least not at this time. So, the bigger the deal I make of that day, the harder it becomes. I eventually want to make it a happy day where we can remember Caydin with family in some kind of a happy and positive way, but this year I didn't have the energy for that. And, for me, I think about him and remember him every day of my life, so it's not like I need a special day to remember him by. But, like I said, I can't ignore that day, so hopefully in the future I'll be able to more fine tune how to handle that day! Till then, I love and miss you buddies!!

So, another event I haven't mentioned yet is that we bought a van in September! When I realized this last summer that we were going to have to get a van to fit our family once EmmaLee was born, I wasn't all that thrilled, but I started to get excited for it because of all the convienences it would bring, the first being that we would at least all fit! So, we started looking, and eventually found this Toyota Sienna for a pretty good price. We've really enjoyed having it and the extra space it gives us! It surprised me how full the van already feels with three kids! I think a lot of it is the space that the car seats take up. Eden has the back bench seat to herself, so I put her in the middle, but her car seat is bulky enough that the other two seats are still a little smaller than you would think. Two children (like Thomas and Laurie) fit just fine in them, but it would be a tight squeeze for two adults! Eden is actually big enough to go into a booster seat, but she still likes to fall asleep sometimes on rides, and her car seat is more comfortable for that. Anyway, I'm very grateful for our van! Now we just need the Sonata to sell!

Finally, I thought I would mention that Melanie moved up to Utah State to start school. I can't believe she's already in college! Even though it's been several years since I've been to school, I still think of myself as college age, especially since I still plan on trying to take some classes to try to get my degree, at least as soon as I don't have so many really young kids! I guess everybody is really still college age since you can go at any age, but it's still weird to think that if I was still single, Melanie and I would be in the same social boat! She's even met some guys up there, one of them only a year younger than me! It's weird to think that she could get married anytime now, and start having kids, and be in the same part of life that I am! Up till now, she's always been my younger sister who was much younger than me (but not as young as my other sister!), and now she's "catching up" with me! It's amazing how as you get older, age gaps really seem to shrink! I hope any of that is understandable to anybody besides myself! Anyway, Melanie has grown into a beautiful woman, and I'm so proud of her and all she has accomplished! I love her to death, and hope she finds happiness and success in all she does!
So, I think that about wraps up any major events in the last month. My brother and his son both celebrated their birthdays in the last month, which was fun. Rob's two brothers also celebrated their birthdays, so it was a busy birthday month for us! This month is my youngest brother and sister's birthdays as well, so it's been a good couple of birthday cake eating months!
Emma Lee's blessing dress is soooo cute (and so is she)! I love that the dress was also yours. Now it's an heirloom.
Hey Diana,
Sorry the delay in responding to your comment on my blog...we've been out of town. I love your posts. I don't know how you manage having 3 children! I'm having a hard time with just my one. I love being a mom, but it's so challenging!! Your post really touched me, especially the part about Caydin. I can't imagine what it must be like for your on the anniversary of his passing and I think the way you deal with it right now is completely understandable. You have always had such an unbelievable attitude about him and you inspire me with your faith. Hang in there with the kiddos. You're absolutely right...this too shall pass! Love ya girl!
Great blog! I love EmmaLee's dress! We wanted to use mine, but my blessing dress was also my mom's, so it was really yellow, and sorta falling apart. I totally know about not getting the word out and sometimes, it's just easier to have it be small! I think you're doing great with all that you've got on your plate; I was thinking about Caydin the other day, and how strong you are. I'm proud of you and your testimony is such a strength to me! Let me know if you just need to vent...I'm all about the mommy blues these days, and sometimes you just need to vent! Luv ya!
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