My dad turned 53 last week, so we had a birthday party for him this last Sunday. This is a picture of my sister and EmmaLee.
My dad was just lucky we spelled out his age with candles instead of actually putting 53 on!!
This is my nephew Caleb and my brother Thomas. Caleb and his family are moving to Idaho this weekend, and we are going to miss having them so close!!
Eden LOVES cameras and getting her picture taken, but she thinks she always has to pose in one way or the other, so they are always fun and different!
EmmaLee might only be 18 months, but she has a huge personality! When she isn't happy with what you are doing, she lets you know!
I told you Eden really doesn't take "normal" pictures!
A couple of weeks ago I found Isaac asleep in his room like this. It's harder to tell with this picture, but he is actually sitting on a toy box that I had stacked some extra pillows on. His bed is next to him.
You can see his bed in this picture just to the right of him.
This is Caleb's sister McKell. She has huge blue eyes (did you notice?) and always has them wide open!
Eden isn't the only one that tries to pose. This is Isaac's typical smile when I ask him to smile for me. One of these days I might have to make a post dedicated to it, and I could post a whole bunch of pictures with this same smile! He is such a ham and likes to make us laugh!
For a quick update, we still have no news. Last Saturday we mailed off 80 of Rob's resumes, and so far we have heard back from about 5 of them, one of which resulted in an interview today. When Rob got there, he found out it was for a completely web based job, so it's out, but at least something came out of all that work, and there are still a lot more out there! The rest of the ones we've heard from were the, "thanks for your interest in our company, but we aren't hiring right now", which we expected. At least they were kind enough to reply! So, we are still looking, and hoping! We have no idea where we are going to be in 2 weeks, let alone 2 months! We are considering moving in with his mom sooner than later just because we really are broke right now, and figure it might be easier to find a get by job up there where we wouldn't have to move if she ends up selling her house and having to start over again! One thing that helped make today a little less disappointing was actually not a very fun event! Last night a neighbor was at the house talking to me in the entry way where the stairs are. My kids kept coming up by us, then leaving, going back and forth. Well, Isaac went by the stairs and leaned against the gate, which then broke forward, sending Isaac tumbling down the whole flight of stairs! I felt so helpless watching him because I had actually been reaching for him trying to get him off the gate when it gave way, so I had just missed him! I ran down to him, and of course he was crying, but I couldn't see any obvious injuries, and luckily because I had seen him the whole way, I knew he really hadn't landed very awkwardly, so I wasn't too worried about any major injuries. Long story short, he is fine, and I realized that I would rather be looking for a job for the rest of our lives than have something serious happen to anyone in my family again! So, I think that experience helped me keep the disappointment of today more in perspective!
Cute pictures! Good luck deciding what to do. No fun. I'm so glad Isaac's ok. How horrible to watch him and just miss him! Will you ask Kimberly to send me an invite to her blog? She was going to but I guess what with moving things have probably been hectic and she forgot. Thanks! And good luck again! Let us know when you decide. Love you guys.
Hi Diana, I came to your blog from Angels Among Us. Could you please send an email to me? I have a quick question for you. My email is
Steph K
I loved seeing all the cute pictures. I'm always surprised by how big they're getting. I can't believe EmmaLee is 18 months!
Good luck with everything! It is so difficult to have so many unknowns. I sure love ya and appreciate your example of faith!
I've seen Kaylie tumble down the stairs, too. It's miserable! So glad Isaac is okay! Good luck figuring out what to do; I know you'll do what's best!
Those pictures are great. And yes, I too am grateful that Issac is okay. Stairs are no fun when it comes to little ones. At least I don't have to worry about those right now in our small apartment! It really does help to look on the bright side of things doesn't it? Keep us updated on things and tell your kids hello for us!
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