September was a pretty exciting month for us. For years Rob and I have wanted to go to Yellowstone, but the opportunity hasn't come up. Well, last February, my brother got a new job in Sugar City in Idaho, which is right out of Rexburg, Idaho, so he and his cute family moved there. We hadn't been able to visit him since he'd moved until September. We were able to go and spend a few days up with him, and since his house is only about an hour and a half from Yellowstone, we took the opportunity to go up for a day to see some of Yellowstone. It was fun, but a lot of driving for the kids! The kids did like to see all the sites, and we were able to see some wildlife, including some otters, and a VERY close-up of a buffalo (the story can be found in one of my September blog posts, but I don't know how to make the cool link thing, sorry!). One of the other days we were there we went with my brother's family to BearWorld, which is a fun park where you get to drive through real bears and other wildlife, so the only thing separating you from them is your car! There is also a small amusement park at the main building that is free with admission, and the kids LOVED going on all the rides, as many times as they wanted! It was a lot of fun! We also just had fun hanging out with my brother and his family, and look forward to being able to visit them again this coming year! We also still went fishing a bit as a family in September. Oh, and I should mention that September was also when we found out that baby Fischer #5 was on the way!

I forgot what these are called now, but they are at Yellowstone, and the kids thought they were really cool! I don't have as many pictures as I want from Yellowstone, but it really did have so many amazing sites, and besides the steep cliffs where I was terrified one of my kids were going to fall over the edge, I loved seeing it!

This is a picture of us waiting to see Old Faithful go off. I actually took a video of it going off, but I'll have to maybe post that on a different post!

Another picture of us waiting. Instead of going to where all the crowds were, we did hang back by the tree line where we had more space and the kids could run more freely.

These next pictures will be from BearWorld. I didn't get a good shot of the bears from our car, but this was the white wolf, which was busy sleeping. It still looked pretty cool, and the kids loved seeing the animals from so close in our car!

I forgot to mention that BearWorld also has a petty zoo that you actually just walked into with all the animals! It was pretty cool! My favorite was that they had a baby deer that you could pet! It was so cool to be able to walk up to these animals that are usual just wild and be able to pet them and be right next to them! This deer actually started chewing on my shoelace, but it was as soft as it looks!

Another shot of the baby deer! My sister-in-law and her little girl McKell are petting it this time! There were grown up deer as well that you could walk right up to and pet, as well as pigs, goats, and other things as well!

We had to take pictures with the kids being bears!

Eden as a bear!

Here is Eden, Isaac, and my nephew, Caleb on the back car of the train ride, which they loved!

The kids also liked the car ride that was there! I love how chilled Emma looks in this picture, the only one content to not be driving!

Here is another picture of my cute sister-in-law Kimberly with my niece, McKell. Part of what made BearWorld fun was that all our kids, even the youngest ones, had a lot of fun there, and enjoyed the rides. They had a small roller coaster, and I wish I had gotten a better picture, but Isaac and EmmaLee even went on it by themselves! It was a lot of fun, and it wasn't too crowded, so they really did get to go on as many rides as many times as they wanted to!

And here's a picture of all the kids just outside the main doors to the main building of BearWorld. I didn't get a good picture of them all posing, but at least they are all in the picture!

I love this picture! Caleb has this awesome mustang he drags his street with, and he was nice enough to take Isaac along. So, here they are cruising the sidewalk! Thanks again Nick and Kimberly for letting us stay with you guys! It was a lot of fun!

Like I said before, we went fishing a bit this month as well. This is the kids at Pineview. The amazing thing is that they are all happy, or at least not crying, which wasn't the case not too long before this picture was taken. When we very first got to the lake, we had just gotten to this spot, and Isaac was so excited to be there and to see the water that before we could even set all our stuff down, he grabbed a rock and threw it towards the water. The only problem with this was that Eden was between him and the water! The rock smacked right into the top of her forehead, just in her hair! It did split open a small cut, but pretty minor for a head injury really. It did bleed, and we were scrambling a bit to try to figure out how bad it was and if we needed to go get help. Luckily, it wasn't too bad, which was good because since it was in her hair, we couldn't bandage it at all! We did have some first aid stuff, so we cleaned it and put some antibacterial medicine on it, and she was okay. She still wanted to stay, so we did.

This is a blurry picture, which is probably better, but here is a shot of her head after we were done cleaning it! What a trooper, and hopefully Isaac learned to make sure there is a clear path before throwing rocks into the water!
Moving on to October. So, the big event of October was, of course, my sister's wedding! Melanie married Daniel Isaac on October 9th, and she was stunning, and it was a beautiful day! Of course, that is also when my camera died, which remained in that state till about a week ago! So, I don't have a ton of pictures from the wedding, and only of the temple grounds right after the wedding. So, besides the wedding, there was also Halloween. I also started my new job at the library, my youngest brother and sister each celebrated their birthdays, and Eden got the dreaded cast on, and her first cast switch! Her first cast was pink, but the second one was orange, which was for Halloween!

Here is a cute picture of Melanie and Danny outside the temple.

Another picture of the happy (they really are happy, I just took a picture when they weren't expecting one!) new couple! Melanie's dress was gorgeous, and she looked stunning in it!

It was a beautiful day, and I love this shot Rob got of the temple with the blue sky behind it!

Isaac is my little goof ball, and this picture of him at the wedding shows it a bit! He loves to ham it up for the camera!

Here's one of Emma out on the grounds!

I liked this one with the fountain behind me.

I love this Halloween picture of the kids. Eden wanted to put makeup on, so I put some on her and a little on Emma, so Isaac wanted some too. I didn't know what to do for him that wouldn't look girly, but I finally decided to make this sad excuse for a mustache, but he liked it, so whatever works, right?! If you click on the picture, it makes it bigger, so you can actually see the mustache!
Next is November. We started November with Eden's foot surgery, which I won't go into details again for. Let it suffice that I am glad it is done and over with! My youngest brother also received the Aaronic Priesthood at the beginning of this month, and we were able to go to church with them and then be there as he received it. It was a fast Sunday when we went, and Thomas got up to bear his testimony. Well, Isaac was sitting next to Thomas, which happened to be on the OPPOSITE side of where Rob and I were, so when Thomas went up, so did Isaac! Thomas had to wait a few people before it was his turn, and Isaac sat with him the whole time. I was on the edge of my seat trying to watch and see if I needed to go up and grab him! Finally, it was Thomas's turn, and he led Isaac right up to the podium with him. They got the little step, and Isaac stood up to the microphone. I wasn't breathing at this point, wondering what Isaac was going to do when he finally looked over the audience and was bracing myself for a quick intervention! Thomas whispered in his ear, and instead of freezing, my 3 year old son repeated everything his young uncle told him! He practically ate the microphone, so the first part wasn't really understandable, but my brother kept it short and simple, and you could understand the last part about how he loves his family, and he ended! I was shocked! He also just stood by the side and looked out over the audience full of strangers (at least to him) while Thomas took his turn, and then they both came and sat down! I realize to most people this is a long story they probably don't really have much interest in, but I wanted to record it because it was a milestone for me as a mother! The first time one of my kids bore their testimony in sacrament meeting! Sooo, moving on, I also celebrated my birthday in November, and of course, there was Thanksgiving, yum! We also set up our Christmas tree and decorations, and got ready for the Christmas season!

Here is my brave girl the day after her surgery! For this last cast, she went with the lovely purple, mainly because she wanted me to decide this time, and purple is my favorite color! It took her over a week before she was able to walk on her foot again, but she (and I) survived!

This was just a random picture of the "girls" of the family that we took when we were taking a break from decorating the Christmas tree.

I loved how interested the kids were in watching their dad get the mini train ready for the tree!
I'm almost done with the review! Since December wasn't that long ago, I decided to not post as many pictures of Christmas, since it is still posted lower! The first big event of December was when Eden got her cast off for good! Yeah!!!! We enjoyed driving around and looking at the Christmas lights during this month, and of course, we enjoyed Christmas as well, especially because of so many kind acts that were shown to us during this time! One especially special gift that was given to us was left secretly on our doorstep, wrapped. We could tell it was a picture, but decided to wait until Christmas to open it. You can imagine how completely surprised and touched we were when we finally opened it and found it was a personalized sketched drawing of the Savior holding Caydin! I still have no idea who did it for us, and if that person reads this blog, please know how grateful and deeply touching this gift is to both Rob and I. It is something we will treasure always!! Just a few days after Christmas, we were able to go up to Logan for my cousin Laura's wedding. She looked beautiful, the ceremony was beautiful, and it was so much fun being able to be apart of that special occasion for such a special person! Congrats again Laura!

If a picture can say a thousands words, then here is the picture for how we felt about Eden's experience with her cast.

And here is the one for how we felt after it was all done and off (and yes, even the slightly crazed look was appropriate for how we felt)!

This isn't the best picture, but you can see one of Eden's scars in this picture from her surgery. I'll have to get better pictures of all of the scars and post them later!

Here is a picture of some lights we saw at the Layton City light place. Okay, so I forgot what it is really called, but it was a park that was all lit up and that you could drive through, and walk through if you wanted, and all for free! We drove through it several times throughout the month of December!

Another picture of some of the lights!
So, there you have it! My year in review, or at least some of the bigger parts of it! It's amazing how much can happen in a year!
It truly is amazing what can happen within a year. And I have to say that I need to get some copies of your yellowstone trip with us because those are some cute ones! (not of me really, that sounded all full of myself, but the kids look great and I'd like to have them all to complete the experience). It's amazing what trials we can go through and how much stronger we are after them right? I really like your year in review and I just might steal your idea for next year myself! Good luck Wednesday and give us a call when you know!
Looks like a lot of fun! I'm so honored to have made your "year in review." :) I will have to check out that amusement park - small and uncrowded is my idea of a nice time. Now I'm going to read about the first half of the year.
That really is a great shot of you with the fountain behind you!
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