Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Full Term

Today I am officially full term, 37 weeks!  So, if labor were to start, they wouldn't stop it!  Not that I think it will start.  As uncomfortable as I have been, I don't think my body is trying to actually go into labor.  I did think it a little, but I had a check up yesterday, and was only dialated to a 1 and 50% efaced.  Like I said, as uncomfortable as I've been, if it was uncomfortableness due to labor coming on, I think I would have been further along.  Since I wasn't, all the pain isn't doing anything except to make me uncomfortable, if that makes sense!  It's not progressing me.  I could be wrong and go into labor tonight, but mentally, I'm planning on making it to the 19th, which is only 2 weeks from tomorrow!  Two weeks from today will be my last full day pregnant!  YEAH!  I'm also hoping I make it to the 19th now because my doctor left this morning on a vacation and won't be getting back till the 18th.  So, if I go early at all, even by a day, I will have a different doctor.  I know that happens a lot, and I'm sure it would be fine, but it's nice to have the doctor you chose!  Hopefully her plane doesn't get delayed or anything!  I actually feel more calm after my visit yesterday.  The night before my visit, I had 11 contractions in an hour, but they were random, so I figured it was false labor so I didn't call.  Sure enough, it died down.  I've been worried because since I have c-sections, it's best if I don't labor.  I guess a risk to having previous c-sections and then laboring is that the labor can actually cause your scar to tear open, causing internal bleeding, so I've been worried about "catching" labor at the soonest time possible.  Anyway, I guess I feel more easy about waiting out the next two weeks, even if it means basically two weeks of insomnia!


Annalisa said...

congrats on making it this far. Unfortunately it's those last couple weeks that seem to last F-O-R-E-V-E-R! Hope Rob is giving you lost of breaks to get some rest. I can't wait to see pictures of the new little guy when he gets here.

Laura said...

11 contractions in an hour? Be careful... I was hardly effaced at all when I went into the hospital and I gave birth the next day. And I had preterm contractions that I wish I would have taken more seriously. :)

Kimberly said...

Hang in there! I was barely dialated to a 1 when my water broke with Caleb so you never know when these little ones decide to make their appearance! With McKell I was at a 3 for a couple of weeks and they had to break my water when I was in labor. So you never know! I've been having a ton of contractions as well, but nothing that I've really counted. It's fun waiting isn't it? I hope you make it to the 19th and that everything goes well! Every day is another day closer right?

Eve said...

Oh Diana, I remember those hard last weeks when you just can't wait anymore and you somehow believe that birth will never come. Hang in there!