Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Festival of Trees

We have decided to donate a tree to the Festival of Trees this year in Caydin's name.  The title of the tree is "Christmas at Last", and is based on the Chronicles of Narnia.  We will be decorating it with Narnia themes, toys, figurines, etc.  Of course, the Chronicles of Narnia are a parallel of the gospel, with Aslan representing Christ.  We felt this was an appropriate and yet fun theme since it is through our Savior that we will one day be blessed to be with Caydin again.  If anyone is interested in donating towards our tree to help pay for the cost of creating it, our mailing information for it can be found here.

In case anyone doesn't know what the Festival of Trees is, it is a fundraiser for Primary Children's hospital, and people donate trees in the name of a loved one who has passed on.  The trees are sold, and the proceeds from the trees are donated to Primary's to help patients and families of patients to pay their medical bills.  Caydin spent the last 30 hours of his life at Primary's, and I am so grateful that he was at a place where the doctors and nurses are so expert at children's care, and also knowledgeable in how to help families who's child does not survive.  Caydin's accident and resulting medical care costs were in the hundred's of thousands of dollars, and that was just for 30 hours!  We were blessed at the time to have insurance that covered the cost, but there are many families that don't have that good of insurance, or any insurance at all!  And, there are many children who spend MUCH more time in that hospital getting continual treatment than we did, who could really use some help with the bills.  Medical cost bills can be even tougher to pay than normal bills because of the emotion behind the care received, especially if the results were of a loved one passing away; it can be a monthly reminder of that heartbreaking time!  So, I know that the proceeds from our tree will be greatly appreciated by those who will be receiving it from the hospital!


Emily said...

That's awesome Diana! I love the Festival of Trees. I think it's a neat way to pay tribute to Caydin.

Annalisa said...

Sorry, forgot to respond. YES! A food processor is very different from a blender. You don't need an expensive one. I got mine on sale at Home Depot 7.5 years ago for $20 and it's still going strong. I use to to grate cheese, slice firm veggies, and best of all I use it to chop vegetable so fine that I can hide them in dinner and the kids have nothing to complain about. You can use them for so many things, fresh salsa, guacamole, pie dough, cream soups, possibilities are endless. Sure, I'd like the $150 cuisinart, but I don't know how it would do much more than my el cheap one. I LOVE IT and highly recommend one.
BTW: I think the tree is a fantastic idea!

Kimberly said...

What a great idea. I love the Festival of Trees and seeing how amazing people decorate them too. And it is for such a wonderful cause too. I can't wait to see how the tree turns out for Caydin. Good luck!