Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Caydin!

Eight years ago today, I became a mother.  It is the hardest thing I have ever done, and the most heartbreaking, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!  Happy birthday Buddies!  I miss you like crazy and look forward to the day when I can hold you in my arms again and kiss you, and hug you, and go kick a ball with you!  I don't get to see you get baptized, but I get to know you have already passed the test and that there are only bigger and better things left for you to experience!  There is one happy memory that for some reason is more vivid than most.  It wasn't a special occasion or anything, but just one of those sweet mommy moments that was burned into my subconscious!  We were standing in the doorway of the kitchen, and you wanted me to bend down to your level.  Once there, you gave me a kiss.  That memory is so strong that whenever I think of it, I can still almost literally feel your sweet, cool lips on mine!  How I cherish that sweet innocent kiss!  I think of that heaven kiss and hope it again reaches heaven tonight!


Cami said...

What a wonderful memory and treasure! Happy birthday to Caydin.

jessi said...

Happy Birthday Caydin!

Kimberly said...

Happy 8th Caydin!! What a sweet memory to share. It's a great reminder to cherish our little ones because they're not little forever.

Katie said...

Such a bitter/sweet day. Thanks for sharing such a sweet memory with us. I'm glad it's such a vivid memory for you.

Happy Birthday Caydin!

Eve said...

Happy birthday to Caydin! And a big hug to you and your family, Diana!

Lesa said...

Happy Birthday Caydin! Miss your little face!

Laura said...

Happy birthday, Caydin! (and I'm pretty sure he got that kiss...) ;-)