Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That

This is my last catch up for today!  It's all the random stuff that didn't fit in any of my other posts but that I still wanted to write about!
 Ammon has decided this is a pretty cool way to get around!  It's like his own little mobile clubhouse!
 It makes him seem so small that he fits in it so well, yet he seems so big because of how playful he is!
 This is what happens when you allow a one-and-a-half year old to feed themselves chocolate, of any sort!

 Ammon finally got his first haircut.  This is the before. . .
 . . .and after!
 Another after shot of his new look.  Of course, this was a couple of months ago, and he is actually already in need of a second hair cut!

 So, Ammon has been my first child to go to nursery with no tears, at all!  He's been going on his own for a good month now because Rob and I team teach Isaac's primary class.  We went to pick him up last Sunday, and he looked like he had fallen through a shredder!  Apparently another little girl in nursery decided she had a vendetta against Ammon and attacked him several times with her nails!  We asked if he had provoked it, but they said no.  We were kind of shocked, so we didn't say much then, but since then I have called the Primary President to ask that she look into if they are in need of more help in the nursery.  I understand that kids will be kids, and that an occasional bonk will come out of being in nursery, but repeated incidences like this shouldn't be happening.  I wish they would have either taken the little girl out, especially when it happened more than once, or brought Ammon to us.  It was stake conference today, so there was no nursery, but I worry that he won't go back without crying now!
 The cut under his mouth was actually bleeding.  These pictures also don't really do it justice and don't show everything!  It was so sad!
 EmmaLee has always been so photogenic.  Even random pictures make her look cute!
 EmmaLee had to get some dental surgery done, so this is a picture of her right before she went back after she had taken some "calming" medicine!  So, she is totally loopy!  A funny story about her surgery is that after she came out, she was pretty upset.  They ended up having to pull two teeth, which she was distraught about.  She did not want to lose anything else she felt were hers.  We kept trying to change her into her pj's we had brought her, but she did NOT want to take off the little hospital gown you can see in the picture.  It was "princess jammies" and she wanted them left on!  They let us take her to the recovery room in them, and finally the nurse said it wasn't a big deal and that she could keep them when she continued to refuse to change!  She wore them the whole rest of the day, with the back open and all!  So, if anyone needs a size 5 hospital gown, we've got one!  I always knew EmmaLee was stubborn, but man, this proved it again!
Finally, I have yet to get a really good picture of Ryder, but I thought this one was still cute, even if he is sleeping!  He has been a good dog so far, and much healthier than the last one!  He's much more playful, and really is the kids' friend.  Ammon has a special relationship with Ryder (even though they are almost like siblings and bug each other as well!), which is good because EmmaLee starts school in the fall, which will leave Ammon the only kid at home.  So, it was good timing for us to get a dog because they will have each other to play with!


Marsha said...

Poor Ammon. That had to hurt! Hope he heals quickly.

Laura said...

How did I not see this post earlier? Such cute photos, did the situation at nursery resolve? That's not okay!