Eden turned 3 officially on August 4th, and she had to have her picture taken as a three year old! She got to have 3 different birthday parties with family, and I know she would have loved to continue celebrating her birthday for longer!

She was so funny, though, because at each birthday party, she thought she was getting older and older! She turned three at the first party, but she turned 4 at the next! It took a lot of talking to try to help her understand that she was still only 3, even though she was having more than one birthday party! She's also teaching Isaac how to pose for the camera, and now when my orange red eye reducer on my camera hits him, he smiles for me!

This last weekend Sandy City had a balloon festival. We went to the last part of it last night where they had Peter Brienholt in concert, and a bunch of hot air balloons up. They didn't take off, but it was really cool to see them, and as it got dark, it was cool to see them light up as the fires went off. Eden and Isaac loved it!

We got there early enough to watch them blow them up, and then we watched them taking them down. It as really a lot of fun!
We'll be spending the next two days finishing getting things ready for the baby to come. I'm so excited, but a little nervous at the same time, now that it's finally so close! I'm nervous about having to leave Eden and Isaac, and even though I've been through it 3 other times, the thought of going through the surgery of a c-section always makes me a little anxious! But it's worth it for the little one that comes from it!
That picture of Eden and Issac is so precious! I can't believe they both smiled when they were suppose to! We're excited for this Wednesday too!! I can't wait to hold a newborn again! Good luck and we'll be praying for you!
Happy Birthday Eden!
We're very excited for your new little one. We'll be thinking about ya tomorrow morn! Good luck! :)
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