I'm starting with the most recent event, which is Eden's surgery. This is a picture of Eden today, and I can't tell you how happy and grateful it makes me feel to see a smile on her face! That didn't exsist yesterday, and today it has come and gone depending on if her meds are wearing off or not!
Here is a full body shot of our invalid. She still can't put any weight on it without it hurting her. Hopefully by the end of this weekend she will be able to start walking on it. Till then, she pretty much just sits with it elevated, or we carry her, or she has started hopping one footed short distances.
This is the cursed cast! Eden has been asking both yesterday and today, "Why did they do this to me?! I hate this cast!" She just about lost it when we finally explained to her that they cut her. You would have thought that they stole her dignity or something! "Why? Why would they do that to me?" We have tried to help her understand about her club foot and that the doctor is trying to help her foot to be more normal. I think she is finally grasping it because we went to the grocery store today and while checking out, the bagger asked her what happened to her foot. Eden: "I had surgery on it." Bagger: "What for?" Eden: "I was born with a club foot and they had to fix it." I was so amazed! She said it all calm and matter of fact. Since yesterday, when we have talked to her about it she gets all upset and makes us stop talking. I guess this means she's coming to grips with it!
For Halloween this year we went to the mall trick or treating in the early afternoon with my brother and his family, and my mom and younger brother and sister. The kids had fun, and it was kind of nice being indoors! Unfortunatly I didn't get the best shots of the kids and their costumes!
More mall trick or treating. That night we also went to my parents house and went trick or treating to a few houses there. My kids are still young enough that after just a half an hour of trick or treating, they were fine with being done! I might have been tempted to make them go longer so I could sneak more of their candy, but since I'm pregnant, sweets don't sound so good to me; lucky for them!
Earlier in the week, we also went to my parents ward's trunk or treat. That was also fun, but it was snowing while they went around to get candy!
Both Thomas and Laurie's birthdays were in October, so when Nick and his family were in town for Halloween, we also had a birthday party for them. This is a shot of Thomas opening one of his presants. He turned 12 this year, and he also received the priesthood, which was a fun thing to be there for!
This is Laurie opening one of her presants. She turned 10 years old, and I can't believe how fast both she and Thomas are growing up!
The rest of these are just random. EmmaLee has decided that she LOVES taking pictures, and I am often fighting for the right to use my camera. I don't think it helps that because I thought it was broken, I did tell her my old camera was hers, so when my new one became unuseable, and I became desperate and tried tinkering with my old one and found a way to get it to work (even if it is a pain in the butt!), she hasn't been to keen on giving it back! So, as a result, I try to take some pictures myself, and then she gets a turn. She takes very interesting pictures, including a lot of chest, butt and leg shots of people! I guess that's the view of a 2 year old! I also found when going through the pictures she's taken, she likes to take pictures of legs and feet. So, this is a picture she took of her own leg and foot.
Here is another example of Emma's love of people's legs.
This is the face Emma gave me when I told her it was my turn with the camera.
And this is the face she gave me when I told her she could have a turn when I was done!
This is also a very common picture EmmaLee gets when she is taking pictures. For a while, she always held the camera with her finger over the lens. We kept trying to explain to her to move her finger, and she has gotten better at it, but a lot of these kind still show up!
EmmaLee is not the only picture taker lover in the family. Eden has always loved taking pictures too, but probably at least half of all the pictures she takes are of herself, like this one! I blame my sister, Melanie, for teaching her this!
I didn't mean to actually post this last picture; it was for the recipe blog I belong to, but thought since I had downloaded it, I might as well leave it! Since I am pregnant, good food is important to me right now! After the stress of yesterday, I decided I really wanted a good dinner, so while at the grocery store, we splurged and got some of the more expensive steak, and got some asparagus as well. I cooked it for dinner tonight, using a new asparagus idea from a magazine we were reading while in the waiting room yesterday at the hospital! I had to improvise a bit since I didn't actually write down the recipe, but it turned out SOOOOOOO good! The asparagus had sesame seeds in it, salt, and a bit of soy sauce, and I sauteed it in olive oil. The steak was one of the most tender steak I have ever eaten, which I seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion salt, marjoram leaves, basil leaves, and rosemary. The potatoes were just instand mashed potatoes, so nothing special there! Anyway, just chock this picture up to me being pregnant!
Hooray for a working camera, even if it is your old one! I'm glad Eden's starting to understand her surgery and the reason behind it a little better. That's got to help! Good luck!
did you guys ever get your computer fixed? If you need to Kev can still do it. My phone number is 801-448-3286. We could have you guys over or something!
How fun to see pics! Your kids are getting so big. I also love that you kept the last picture of food. ha ha. It looks delicious I must say and I'm not even pregnant!
Love all the random pictures that Emma took! I'm just glad you didn't post some of the more revealing shots of the family!! tee hee. It was a lot of fun being with you guys--I just hope none of your kids got sick from us! And that dinner makes my mouth water! I'm so happy to hear that everything went so well with Eden's surgery too, what a brave little girl! Hope things continue to go well for you and that the healing process is quick!
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