This is a top view of the platform with the train.

A view from the other side.

Another view. Notice how the Abominable is putting on the star, just like in the movie!

This was just a random picture I got of Isaac that I think is so funny! He looks so old to me in this picture, like a little boy and not my little toddler anymore!

When Eden had her surgery, my mom, brother, and sisters came to visit and brought some gifts for all the kids. Since it was right after Halloween, they had found some costumes for really cheap and bought one for each of the kids, and this cop outfit is the one they got Isaac. I think he looks so cute, and just funny in it!

Like I said, no order here, but this is a full view of the tree. As a side note, the tree originally did have ornaments all the way down, but I waited too long to get my pictures, which means I didn't take pictures the second we were done decorating, so already the kids have emptied the bottom half of the tree. At least it still has lights!!

I would like to say that my children are angels all the time, but this picture shows at least one of them does have a slightly darker side at times! Actually, EmmaLee was posing for Eden, so she wasn't actually this mad, but it makes me laugh every time I see it!!

This is the costume my mom got EmmaLee. Compared to the last picture, doesn't she look like such a sweet thing?! You'd never know it was the same girl!

I love this picture of Eden and EmmaLee! I hope they will always be close as sisters, and I love that in the last few months EmmaLee has really started interacting with Eden and Isaac so much more! I love seeing them play together!

I've posted self portraits of Eden before, and this is another one that she picked out to have me post! She calls it her big eyes picture! She just loves to see how she looks when trying out new faces and looks! I love her curiosity!
I am also excited to say that Eden gets her last cast off a week from today, next Monday!! She has had a cast on since the second week of October, so it will be almost a full two months! We are so excited to almost be through with it!!! Also, whoever sent that Christmas card to us this last week, we just wanted to thank you for it; it was very meaningful to us!
Your tree looks awesome. I love all the figures and how the star is being put on, very clever. And your kids are so funny! Love Issac in the cop uniform, he looks like he means business and I'd hate to be pulled over by him! And the picture of Eden and Emma is very precious. We're planning on putting our tree up tonight so wish us luck! We'll have to see how well McKell does with leaving the tree alone, but since she was going after the ball ornaments last night in the box my hopes aren't too high. Christmas with little kids adds a whole new level of fun and adventure!
So cute!!!
PS, My tree is also missing all ornaments on the bottom half. :):)
I love the train station on top! Looks like so much fun at your place! The bottom half of our tree is also pretty funky looking - I'm working on not letting it bother me! :)
Most impressive and creative! I also really love the angry picture of EmmaLee. What a ham.
I love that movie! I love your tree, especially the abominable snowman! That's so smart to put the train on a platform.
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