Thanks everyone for liking my hair! I did the typical and woke up the next morning and had a moment of panic as I realized just how much of my hair was actually gone! I haven't done that in years!! But, I do still like it, especially at how easy it is to wash, comb through, and then style! Change is good, right?! I hope so because another change happened this week. My last day at work was Monday! That's right, I quit my job! It just started to get too hard for me, simply because I'm pregnant. We got our tax return back, so we are good for a bit, and then Rob is all signed up and ready to start at BYU-Idaho online in April, and we can get student loans with that. Not the course we preferred, but at least it's there to fall back on! Life sure is a journey, isn't it?! Just when you think you've figured things out, something else comes along! I love the quote from Transformers 2 from Optimus Prime "
Fate rarely calls on us in a time of our choosing." The story of my life! So, here's to yet another new chapter of my life!

Sometimes we have to be made of steel to get through life!
Diana you are amazing! I have always admired you and Rob. Life is full of change and not always the change we want that is for sure! We will definitely have to get together soon! I miss your pretty face! :)
I'm so glad you got to quit! Congrats! I hope things start working out for you guys!
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