One time when I was in my early teens, my parents went out of town for a few days, so Grandma came to stay with us. We were watching a Jazz game. It was when Jeff Hornesack was on the team, and after he'd made a shot and they'd shown him on TV, she turned to us and told us that she thought he was just so cute! I thought that was so funny!
Another time, we were up visiting her as a family in Nick's old Bronco. My dad decided it would be fun to go off roading up one of the canyons up there in Cache Valley, and he talked Grandma into coming with us. It wasn't too bad of a road, but did have some pretty big dips and bumps, so there was a lot of ups and downs and drops. Every time we would either dip down, or rise up, Grandma would exclaim, "Oh! Oh!" This went on the whole ride! The Bronco had no air conditioning, so we'd left the windows down, and by the time we got back, we were all layered in a coat of dust, including Grandma, except where her glasses were. I remember looking at her after we'd gotten out of the car, and she looked so cute with her huge white circles around her eyes and covered in dust, especially after her exciting ride! It was the most girlish I'd ever seen her!
I'm going to miss going to her house and getting fruit leather, ice cream cones, apples, and glazed apple cookies! I loved exploring her shed out back, and playing on the rope swing over the canal! I'm going to miss her sweet steadiness! Even though I didn't get to see her as often, I always knew she cared about me and my family, and really was everything you'd want in a Grandma! She was thrilled to get your family picture, and proudly displayed her pictures in her front room. I never really ever heard her get upset (although my dad assures me she had plenty of fire in her), and I hope she knows just how much she was truly loved and admired by her family. She was a wonderful example of how I want to become, so much so that we even gave EmmaLee the middle name of Lucinda, my Grandma's first name, in honor of her. I love you Grandma!

(Lesa, I totally stole your picture!)
Haha... I love the bronco story! I can just hear her saying "Oh, Oh!" It is fun all the fond memories of her that we have and with all her posterity I am sure that we will hear plenty of them. My mom told me of times when Grandma would get mad and I still can't picture it. I am glad you totally stole my picture! :)
This is a beautiful post - I always thought it was so funny that she loved the Jazz so much. Special grandma, that one...
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