Eden was so worried at first that she was going to look ugly without her tooth, but I told her that everyone looses their teeth, and that the kids at school will think it is cool that she lost her tooth!
So, besides teeth issues, here's what else we've been up to this last month!
Isaac went on his first boys only fishing trip with his dad and cousin Brad last weekend! He was so excited for it that for about 3 days before they went, he was even praying about it in his prayers at night! They went ice fishing up at Pineview, and it was so cold that they only stayed a couple of hours and didn't catch a fish! But, Isaac still really loved being a part of the boys, and I thought he looked so cute in his fishing gear! I took this right after they got home, and his cheeks are actually pink from the heater in the car!
Okay, so here is a recent pregnancy shot of me. It is actually already a week old, and yes, a week makes a difference right now! But, the good side is that the bigger I get, the closer I am to being done with being pregnant, and I do feel the baby moving a lot now, which is fun and makes it feel more real! I'm having more troubles with my hips and lower back, mostly in the evening and during the night, but again, I keep reminding myself that it will be worth it!
I had to post this of Emma. Eden had found our chocolate syrup and made herself some chocolate milk, but then left the syrup on the table. I was in doing laundry, and when I came out, this was what I found! What makes it even sadder was that I had just washed her coat the day before! I thought it kind of looked like she had facial hair, which was funny! Good thing I was still doing laundry that day I guess!
I can't remember which day it was now for sure, but on one of the days I wasn't working, we took a family ride towards Salt Lake and on a whim, decided to stop at Temple Square and take the kids to the visitors center, which I don't think we've ever taken Isaac or Emma to! It was pretty fun! The kids loved seeing all the displays, and since it was only early evening on a weekday, it wasn't very crowded! A sister missionary was more than happy to take this picture of us in front of the Christ statue. When we were leaving temple square, a fog had rolled in, and it made the temple and all the grounds incredible! We didn't really good pictures that really showed the feeling, but it was a pretty cool experience to walk around and look at the temple in the fog. It felt so surreal!
This was a picture we got of the temple, and it's not bad considering we took it in the car as we were driving away! Like I said, it doesn't really show what it was like, but at least it's an idea!
The other piece of news we have is that Rob was accepted to BYU-Idaho about a week and a half ago! Rob has been planning on going back to school to continue his education to pass the time until he is able to get a job. He is planning on starting some online classes in April, and then in August, if we still don't have a job, we are thinking about actually moving up there so he can attend on campus. We didn't want to go up until after the baby is born, since we really like our doctor down here, and I have my job down here right now, but I'm not planning on going back after I have the baby, so this gives us somewhere to focus on! We still would have to get a job up there to make it work, so it's not guaranteed, but at least he can be working on it online until we are able to get a job, there or anywhere! And, by taking the online classes, it will make the transition smoother if we do move up there because all the credits will be from there!
I guess that's about it for now!!
Such cute kiddos! And Diana, you look beautiful.
That is promising news about BYU-I. Good luck!
Congrats to Rob! School is just the thing to do right now-lousy a choice as it may seem it will pay off in the long run. Your belly is sooo cute, makes me want one of my own:) And the whole cavity thing stinks! So far we've been lucky, but if my boys got my tooth genes it won't last for long because my teeth are more fillings than they are actual teeth. Good luck with that.
Good luck with the teeth! I'm sorry you have to go through that again. Congrats to Eden for loosing her first tooth! Can she really be that old already? Emma cracks me up with the syrup and I too thought she had facial hair! You look so cute too! This is the fun part of pregnancy where you're definately showing and people know you're pregnant, but you're not too huge and uncomfortable yet. And the movements don't hurt ya either! Yeah for Rob getting some more schooling going. We may or may not be here if you move! We'll have to chat more about that at Dad's birthday party. Let's just say things aren't going very well for Nick at work and I'm sick of feeling like a single mom. Anyway, great pictures and we'll see ya soon!
Hahaha that picture of Emma is HILARIOUS!!! O man, I wasn't expecting something like that at all. O I can't stop laughing!! Cute pics though! Miss you guys!!
Such cute pictures. I can't believe how big Emma is. Crazy! Congrats on BYU-Idaho. I was just saying today how much I miss Rexburg. I don't think getting more education can ever hurt, especially right now. Good luck. Big decisions are so hard.
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