Saturday, December 22, 2007

Finally Feeling Better and Merry Christmas!

We are finally starting to feel better! It's actually been a couple of days since anybody threw up, and I am finally starting to feel like a normal human being again! I'm still tired, but it will probably be a little while before I'm not! Our nights are getting better, but more on a gradual basis. I hope when we move the kids adjust okay, and I hope we have the same experience as Cami in that we all start sleeping better in our new place! But, at least we are on the mend for now, and hopefully we'll stay that way for Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas, Merry Christmas everyone! I've been writing a lot lately, but in case I don't get back on till after next Tuesday, I hope everybody has a wonderful Christmas time and feels the true spirit of the season!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm so glad you gusy are feeling better. Hope it lasts! I've had a cold / flu the last week that has completely knocked me out. I have NO idea how you can be sick yourself and take care of kids, let alone sick kids.

Merry Christmas!