So, here's my new haircut! I actually left it longer than I had originally planned, but I like it and think it's a good length for me! Hopefully I will be able to keep it up and actually do it more than once a week! My usual hairdo has been a ponytail for about the last 6 months! I did cut it not too long ago, and I liked it then too, but it was still too long and was too easy to throw in a ponytail. I thought if I eliminated the abillity to put it in a ponytail, I would have to actually try to style it somehow! I just hope in a week I'm not kicking myself for eliminating the possibility! But, my hair grows fast, so I figured even if I decided to grow it back out, it wouldn't take all that long! Tell me what you think of it!
I think it looks really cute. It's a good length on you.
It looks so cute, it's always nice to have a change isn't it. P.s. Your daughter looks so cute as snow white!
It's so fun! I love the layers. And I hear you about the ponytail thing; my hair might be permanently stuck into the ponytail position if I keep doing it so often.
Isn't it fun to have a great new haircut?! I understand the ponytail issue - it was always that or a bun! You look so sassy! Ooh la la!
It looks great!! And I am way tempted to cut mine now too because my hair has a pernament crease from the pony tail holder....grrr...Maybe I'll be brave like you and have it turn out cute!!
wow diana! I love it!! I need to cut mine soon because it is currently ...ugly...no other way to say. You've inspired me. ;)
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