Yesterday Eden got a lovely bright pink cast! No worries, though, she didn't break anything! She was born with a club foot, and at her check up in December we found out that some of her tendons were too tight, causing her foot to pull in. The two ways to fix this problem is to either try casting it to stretch the tendons, or to have a surgery to actually release the tendons. We opted to try the casts first! So, she has this cast for two weeks, we go in and get a new one she will wear for another two weeks, and then she's done! If it's done it's job, she's good to go. If it hasn't, she still gets to have a little surgery. So, we're hoping the stretching casts do their job!

She has so far handled it really well. There was one point on the way home from the hospital where she was a bit sad when I think it really hit her that she couldn't take it off, but other than that, she's been a real sport about it!

We gave her Tylenol most of the day yesterday just because I'm sure having your foot stretched to it's limit and then leaving it there without being able to move it can cause some discomfort and cramping, but like I said before, so far she's complained very little about it! She does have a walking shoe that goes on it so she won't slip on hard surfaces and she can walk outside. Oh these fun little things in life, huh?!
I'm so sorry that she's having struggles with her tendons. We'll be praying for her.
My goodness I can't believe that Eden had to get a cast again! At least she was able to get it in pink! Gavin & I are still working out a day to come down and visit! I hope it'll be soon...
That's the coolest cast I've ever seen. Luckily, my threshold for pain is exceedingly low, so I won't try to get one of my own.
Best of luck, and I'll pray for the tendons to stretch.
Very cute color!! But sorry it had to happen all the same. But we'll keep our fingers crossed that this will be the end and that the cast will do the trick. Hang in there! Oh, and we should get together some time. Call me.
I'v ehad many a cast in my day (I broke a zillion bones). I can still smell the plaster and hear the cast saw as they buzz it off. Ahh, sweet memories. Are you going to draw cool stuff on it? Stickers might also be fun, although probably wouldn't "stick."
Boo hoo! No fun for either of you I'm sure, but I'm glad she's being a trooper about it. She's getting so big. All your kids are so beautiful.
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