I thought EmmaLee looked so cute in this picture! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Everyday her personality seems to grow more and more!
So, this is short, but there's not much new going on! Eden will get her cast off this Thursday, and hopefully we'll be done with it for a while! She's done really well with this cast again, except for one thing. For some reason the way this one is casted is causing her to kick her other ankle with her cast while she's running or walking sometimes. As a result, she's scraping up her ankle, which then gets a scab, which she then rips off the next time she kicks her ankle, which has caused much stress on her part because it starts bleeding a bit! We've tried to keep bandages on her cuts, and tried to get her to leave socks on to at least pad it, but she never leaves any of them on for longer than an hour! So, I'll be glad when the cast is gone!
I like pudding too, and I love Isaac's new look. And I like the fact that you took a picture of it to share. EmmaLee is a doll, and I can totally relate to Eden - I don't like socks either!
Isaac looks like he is a character!! Also, I feel like I blinked and EmmaLee became a full fledged bouncing baby. She is such a cutie. Is her hair a little darker than the other three's?
Wow, way to go Issac!! He sure is a hands on type of guy huh? I'm glad you took a picture because moments like those pass by too quickly. EmmaLee is a doll!! She's so smiley! And good luck with Eden's cast, I'm sure she'll be happy when it's gone too.
They are so cute (even with the food all over). What a cute picture of EmmaLee
I love these pictures...I learned the pudding lesson with my first, except it was with Spaghettios. I was still finding splattered spaghettios months later!
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