Okay, to start with, this is a picture taken last Sunday. Right by Rob's work are a few ponds with lots of ducks. So, we stopped to feed them the only thing we had in the car at the time, graham crackers! The kids loved it, and it was pretty fun to see all the ducks!
So, as for today. We got up and spent half our day up at Primary Children's. Isaac had to get some blood drawn because he is still anemic, so the doctor wanted to do more tests just to make sure there isn't something more going on. We should hear back with the results by Monday. He was so brave, though! He didn't even flinch when they stuck him! Rob gave him a blessing last night and blessed him that he wouldn't feel it at all, and I'd say it was a blessing fulfilled!
Eden also got her new cast today. She went in planning on getting purple, changed it to orange, decided on purple again, but at the last minute went for blue. So, she now has a lovely blue cast! The doctor was pleased with how her foot was looking even just after the one, so we're very optimistic that the casts are doing the trick, at least for now!
Finally, I had to take a picture of EmmaLee. It's hard to see in this picture, but she is actually holding her legs off the ground. She does this a lot lately, and I don't know how! If I try to hold my legs up off the ground a few inches, it's called a major abdominal workout, but for her, it seems to be fun! She can hold them there for minutes at a time!
Finally, I almost hate to admit this, but it's kind of funny so I have to share! When we left this morning, I didn't have time to shovel the driveway, so when we got home, there was still a foot of snow on it. I decided to just go for it, and made it about 3/4 of the way up, and started to slide back down. Forgetting that just because I was going backwards didn't mean I was in reverse, I tried to steer it a little, and turned myself completely sideways because I was still in drive! So, I ended up at the bottom of my driveway, totally sideways, half blocking my neighbors driveway as well. I felt so stupid! Rob wouldn't be home for an hour, so I could either leave it and hope the neighbor didn't need to go anywhere, or I had to dig myself out. I decided to dig myself out. It took about a half an hour to shovel the driveway and around the van. I finally went for it again and was able to go backwards about 2 feet before getting stuck, so I went forward and managed to actually get all the way up the driveway and into the garage! Yeah! I was expecting all the neighbors to come running out when I went down, but nobody did, so either I'm lucky enough that nobody saw, or they were all inside laughing at my stupidity! Oh well! Lesson learned!
Your kids are so cute it's nice to be able to talk to you! Stacie:)
Sounds like a crazy Valentine's Day! I'm glad your kids are doing well though.
P.S. You've been tagged. Check out my blog for details.
I'm glad things went so well with Issac. Caleb has had his blood drawn twice and both times the kid screamed his head off, but calmed down as soon as it was over. I hate having to do that. I hope the results come back okay. And I'm so glad things seem to be working with Eden's cast!! Hopefully no surgery yeah!! I'm impressed with EmmaLee's ability to lift her legs--I have a hard time walking up the stairs sometimes!! We need to get together soon.
I too, am jealous of EmmaLee's core muscles. I think it might break my back if I tried to hold my legs up. I miss feeding the ducks in Utah county - I used to take my nephews to a pond by BYU, and honestly I think I loved it even more than they did. I hope all is well with Isaac's anemia - keep us posted. And Eden has another wicked cool cast. Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
Your kids are adorable. I'm so happy we can communicate, I thought we would never get in touch again.
Love Jessica
How funny, don't you love those moments where you look around hoping no one has seen what just happened? I've been in your situation so I completely understand and was laughing as I read it...
I'm glad Isaac did well; I'm sorry he's having a hard time! I love the snow story, though! I've done similar stuff, no worries!
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