I think she might have been going for a mullet.
Do you like her face expression? I really hadn't gotten that mad at her and was just laughing at her, and laughing harder with each spot I found that she'd cut. I don't think she appreciated it!
When I asked her why she had cut it and that she might have to get it cut like a boys to fix it, she said she wanted to get it cut like dad's because he looks handsome, and this from my little "princess"!
I called a friend I've met here in my ward who is a beautician, and is who cut Eden's hair a couple of weeks ago. She was booked for the rest of the day, but was kind enough to come to our house after work and help us out!
She was able to cut it in such a way that it hid most of the cut to the scalp patches so unless you know where to look, you really can't even tell! She also gave me some pomade that helps keep all the little flyaways under control! Oh, and Eden did manage to cut her finger a bit in the whole process, which is why she is showing her bandaged finger in one of the pictures! Eden also cut Isaac's hair in one spot right in the middle of the top of his head, but Dawn kind of trimmed it as well so it blends in better too! At least I can buzz his head if I need to! So, about 2 weeks after finally getting Eden a professional haircut, she got another one!
This last picture is of EmmaLee's new toy. She's been wanting to be more independent, but whenever I lay her down on the floor, she gets beat up by her brother, so we got this so she could be more entertained but somewhat protected as well! She loves it!
Ha! Ha! Ha! I just had to laugh when I saw those pictures of Eden's hair!! Wow, it's amazing what little kids will do and how quickly they can do it too! Glad you had a friend come to the rescue--you really can't tell where the cuts were done, she did a great job. And EmmaLee looks so happy in her new toy. I'll call ya soon because we have a lot to plan for Saturday!
Didn't you have a saucer for your other kids?! I think I would have lost my mind without mine...money very well spent! I can't believe the haircut, I think I would have cried, even though it seems to have turned out okay. I have all these images in my head of my daughter having beautiful long hair, so I'm sure just to spite me she'll give herself a haircut, that is if I ever have a daughter.
Oh man, that is so sad! You dealt with it a lot better than I would have. I hope Heidi never does that. Eden's hair is so pretty though. I can't believe how light it is. I'm sad I missed the get together but I hope you had fun. I'm still sick but let's get together soon.
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