I was trying to take pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes, but EmmaLee was really the only one that would sit still and pose for me!
Eden sat a little longer than Isaac, so I did manage to get one of the two girls together before Eden ran off!
And this is the only picture I got of all three of the kids, at least sitting down! I had attempted to make Eden's hair all cute, but with her new haircut, we can't put it up or else all of her short cuts are visible, so all I can use are clips, but she had pulled it out of her hair before we even got to church! Oh well! She's cute anyway, and it's a much more accurate picture of what she really looks like most days!
On one of the hikes at Zion's, we came across this "wild" squirrel who has obviously had a lot of human contact! He actually let us get close to him, and the kids LOVED seeing him and being so close, and even petting him! This picture is of my brother Thomas petting him.
Isaac was chasing it around trying to touch it, and my nephew Caleb, who is Isaac's age, was going around trying to kiss it! It was fun to see!
This is a picture of Melanie, EmmaLee and me on one of the hikes. I had forgotten to bring a hat for EmmaLee, and I was worried about her head getting sunburned, so I rigged up this little middle east look with her head band and a blanket. It did the trick! (Cami, it was a WWMD moment!)
Just a picture of my little family at Zions.
At Zions, these three peaks are called the Court of the Patriarchs. The far left peak is called Abrahams peak, the middle one Isaacs peak, and the right one is Jacobs peak. So, we decided to take Isaac's picture in front of his peak!
This picture is towards the end of our day at Zions. Rob already had Isaac in the backpack, but then Eden decided that she was too tired to keep walking, so Rob got to carry her as well! Luckily for him it was a fairly flat trail!
These are some pictures at the sand dunes in Snow Canyon. The kids were loving digging holes, and Eden got into this one! That's my cousin Erica sitting next to Eden.
We were at Snow Canyon with my parents, siblings, and my aunt and uncle and their kids. We decided to have a sand dune jumping contest, and it turned into a daredevil contest as well! This picture is of my uncle Greg jumping over one of his friends, who was also there with his family. I think it looks like he might have had some ballet lessons at some point in his life! And, yes, he did clear his friend!
This is a picture of my brother Nick jumping over some of the kids that were there! What a muscle man!
Finally, on the way home from Cedar City, we stopped at the town of Parowan, and about 11 miles outside of Parowan there are these Indian petroglyphs. They guess that they are about 1000 years old, but they don't know what they mean. It was fun to see!
Lastly I just wanted to mention that while we were in St. George, we also got to go see my Grandpa in the hospital. It was so fun to see him, and I think he enjoyed seeing us as well! Eden was teasing and playing games with him the whole time, and we enjoyed being able to chat with him as well. He was having a little bit better day, but it has been a rough one for him! The day we visited him was his 10th day in the hospital, and that's just too long for anybody! It was really hard to leave when it was time to go because I just wanted to stay and visit with him all day long! But, three small children don't do well for long amounts of time at a hospital! Keep getting better Grandpa!
Nice McGyver move! I'm so jealous; I love Zion's Park, Rock Art, and dune jumping. Looks like it was a super fun time.
I'm glad you had a nice trip. It's always good to get a break. I could really use one. I'm hoping we'll get to go somewhere between semesters. I hope your Grandpa gets feeling better.
That looks like a lot of fun. How nice to be with family on vacation.
Ok, I'm really jealous now! Oh well, we had a lovely, semi-warm weekend, all alone...It really was nice, but I wish we'd been down there with you guys! Love Eden's haircut (the professional one!)
Great pics of our trip! I especially like the one of Greg and Nick flying in the air, I'll have to get a copy from ya. And your kids looked so cute on Easter Sunday! I hope Issac is feeling better soon.
I'm going to have to stop reading your blog if you insist on posting pictures of warm weather, red rock, and fun. Very good WWMD solution. :)
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