This is a picture of my Grandpa Willits, my mother's father. A little over a week ago, he went to the hospital with several complications. His kidney's were shutting down, and he was having some heart issues. He had open heart surgery about 12 years ago, and he also has diabetes. He is 77 years old, and when I first heard he was in, I worried his time had come. We almost lost him on his way to the hospital, and several times the following couple of days. They had to put two shunts in his heart because they were close to closing off. But, inspite of all of these complications, he seems to be getting better! He is really the only grandpa I have ever known. My dad's father passed away before I was born, and I had a couple of great grandpa's that passed away when I was very young. We've always had a special relationship, and while on one hand I know when he passes away it will be nice for him to not have to have pain or health issues anymore, I'm not looking forward to when it happens. I will miss him terribly! He and my grandma moved down to St. George around 4 years ago, so I haven't gotten to see him as often as I did before they moved down. We are leaving tomorrow to go down to visit them for the week. We planned this trip before he went to the hospital, and I'm ever so glad we did! I'm very much looking forward to seeing him and giving him a big hug! Hopefully he still has many years left with us here! Caydin also loved him and had a special love for him, and that means so much to me as well! Get better Grandpa!

I hope he gets better as well. It is such a torn emotion, though, because you hate to see them suffer. What sweet pictures of him and Caydin.
I'm so jealous that you guys are going down! We just can't right now; we just got back! I'm with you - I hope he gets better, but I want him to be healthy again! Give him big hugs for me!
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